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Refractive Adaptive Optics 

Phaseform develops next-generation Adaptive Optics systems based on innovative hardware components and software.
We aim to bring scalable and easy-to-use solutions to a wide range of imaging and beam shaping applications.


Get the best out of your optical system with the help of our unique approach to adaptive optics. 

Here is how.


Life-Science &  Microscopy

Correct for sample, medium, and instrument induced aberrations, and simplify your imaging workflow.

Vision Science & Ophthalmology

Dynamically adapt your imaging instruments for each patient's visual system for consistent image quality.

Material Science & Semiconductors

Inspect your samples with increased field-of-view, depth of focus and sharpness through films, liquids and other media.

3D printed dodecahedron with dramatic li

3D Micro &

Nano Printing 

Create perfect focus at any depth of your samples for creating parts with highest possible precision.

AR/VR/MR  Headsets

Accomodate the variations in your users vision to ensure an undisturbed immersive experience.



Equip your amateur telescopes with the technology that revolutionized professional astronomy.



Join us at offline events, fairs, online events, webinars and online discussions

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